Thursday, August 6, 2009

Temporary Return?

So... erm... hi.

I've been not playing poker in a while.

For the few of you who are still subscribed to me and care to know, I've been keeping myself busy with work, friends, and my other hobby (this happens to be trading card games, which share some core concepts with poker.)

So yeah, just popping back on to report that I played in Full Tilt's Daily Dollar:

Buy-in ($1)
Position: 596/9500
Prize: $3.

Highlight include me pushing my OESD, getting called and hitting, getting an opponent to push into being dominated, only to draw out a flush, and me pushing JJ into 8th place's AA when I had 20BB left.

In other news, I just discovered a mouse in my apartment. These are exciting times.

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